Most multiplayer games depend on clint-host, where all games play and host the game at the same time. This step causes many performance issues, slow listing, and many more problems. To overcome those problems, games nowadays use a dedicated server for gaming in Malaysia.

A dedicated gaming server is a very good option for playing games with more stability and faster performance. 

In this article, we will tell you how good a dedicated server is for gaming in Malaysia, Keep reading to get more information.

What is a Gaming dedicated server in Malaysia?

A gaming dedicated server is a computer that is used to host a video game for users. This type of server helps with faster and smoother multiplayer gameplay. 

A dedicated server comes with more processing, storage, and RAM, than other hosting types. No matter which type of game you play, a dedicated gaming server will always provide you with enough resources for smoother gameplay.

Most gaming companies buy these types of servers to create a stable gaming environment for their players. But there are many players who also use gaming servers and play competitive games with multiple players.

Games that you can play on a dedicated gaming server 

  • Minecraft
  • 7 Days to Die
  • Valheim
  • Counter Strike Global Offensive
  • Ark
  • Rust
  • DOTA 2
  • Killing Floor
  • Arma
  • Ragnarok
  • Terraria
  • Factorio

Why Dedicated Servers in Malaysia are Best For Gaming?

Every multiplayer game has a host and a client. A host is a server that sites and transmits data to all plates and synchronizes the game. A client is a player who plays the game without any hosting responsibilities.

In many games, a host is the player who started the game or the one with very low latency. The host player uses a console to run the game and keep that in sync for all users. 

The host handles all these things-

  • Location of all players in the game
  • The activity of all players
  • Player interactions
  • Each character’s loadout
  • In which directions all players are going
  • What is happening in the entire game
  • Score and rules

The server where the game is hosted may require more memory, storage, and processing power as more players join the game. Moreover, if the host doesn’t have a proper Internet connection, the game may not run as smoothly as it has to. 

With a gaming dedicated server in Malaysia, a player doesn’t have to be a host anymore. Instead of that, all players connect to that server and play games. This is a much better option than a computer and console because the administrator is free to set the server’s configuration to ensure that the game runs smoothly.

Why Gamers Should Use a Dedicated Server in Malaysia?

  • Lag-free Performance

A dedicated server in Malaysia comes with high-end resources and top-tier hardware. Moreover, it comes with the highest bandwidth and storage space, which ensure a faster and smoother gaming experience. 

  • Reliable Infrastructure

When you buy a dedicated server in Malaysia from a reputable business, they offer round-the-clock server monitoring to guarantee high uptime and a consistent gaming experience. That will help you play games all day without any interruptions.

  • Customization Options Available

A  dedicated server comes with the highest memory, RAM, and storage space. However, if you need more things on your server, you can easily customize it according to your needs.  Moreover, you can choose the processor, and amount of RAM, and you can limit the bandwidth for each player. 

With full control over the best dedicated server in Malaysia, you can determine which players can enter the game. The admin can easily kick out players who have high pings or violate rules.

  • Malaysian Gaming Dedicated Server Can Handle High Traffic:

A cheap gaming dedicated server comes with enough storage space that it can easily handle a huge amount of traffic. This means hundreds of plates can play a game together without facing any performance issues.

  • Security

A dedicated server gives you more privacy and security than any other hosting service. And with complete control over the server, you can install any additional security software on it for better protection against malware.


A gaming dedicated server in Malaysia is best for those who play competitive games worldwide with different players. Moreover, if you want to start battlegrounds with different players, then a dedicated server is the best option since it comes with high resources and top-tier hardware.

However, a dedicated server is not enough, you need to find a reliable web hosting company if you want to get the best and cheapest dedicated server in Malaysia with the utmost security and top-notch customer support.

Serverwala is one of the companies that offers one of the best dedicated servers with so many features that help you in gaming. They offer 99.90% server uptime, DDoS protection, and many more things.